Community Involvement
Grassroots and open-source technology initiatives are key to the growth of the evolving technology ecosystem. Atlantic.Net is dedicated to promoting grassroots technology initiatives and open-source organizations. Listed below are initiatives and charities we have supported over the years:
- San Jose Earthquakes
- TIE Silicon Valley
- American Telehealth Association
- Northern California Cricket Association
- Open Silicon Valley
- USA Youth Cricket Western Conference
- Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
- California Cricket Academy
- HIMSS Northern California Chapter
- Southern California Linux Expo
- Orlando WordCamp
- Tampa WordCamp
- Seattle WordCamp
- Orlando JS
- Orlando Devs
- Dev Fest FL
- SQL Orlando
- BarCamp
- BarCamp Orlando
- BarCamp Charleston SC
- BarCamp Miami
- BarCamp Tampa Bay
- BarCamp Sarasota
- BarCamp Deland
- iSummit
- Founding Member of Cloud Advisory Council
- Florida Linux Alliance
- Florida Linux Show - Orlando
- Florida Blogger & Social Media Conference
- DotNetNuke Tampa
- Startup Weekend Orlando
- Orlando Tech Meetup
- Orlando.NET User Group
- Orlando PHP User Group
- Central Florida Information and Technology Society
- Citrus IT Alliance
- Florida Technology Journal
- Kids House of Seminole
- State Bar of Texas
- Federation of Internet Solution Providers of the Americas
- Ubuntu Summit
- Urban Rethink
- Disaster Recovery Journal
- Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Southeast Linux Fest
- HIMSS Austin Chapter
- Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Academy Health
- Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity
- American Public Media
- CentOS
- Florida Justice Technology Center
- ADA American Dental Association
- HIMSS Central & North Florida Chapter
- Association of Contingency Planners
- MRS Equine Sanctuary, Inc.
- Florida Association of Computer User Groups
- Central Florida Computer Society
- Humane Society of Alachua County
- Global Missions Fellowship
- Sumter County Library Systems
- Kids Universe, Inc.
- Thomas E. Langley Medical Center
- Autism Speaks
- Russell Home for Atypical Children
- Make-A-Wish Foundation Central and North Florida Chapter
- Diamonds Are Forever supporting the Muscular Dystrophy Association
- State Bar of Georgia
- American Bar Association
- Illinois State Bar Association