File Level Recovery

We are excited to release to our customers the new File-Level Recovery feature, now included with all our cloud server backups at no additional cost. File-Level Recovery will enable you to recover individual files from a selected backup instead of restoring the full system from a point-in-time backup.

When you enable backups for your Cloud VPS, you will now have an option to select either “File-Level Recovery” or “Full System Restore” to restore from backups within the Atlantic.Net Cloud control panel. With File-Level Recovery, you can simply select the time of the backup you want to restore from, log in to your server, mount the File-Level Recovery Backup, and recover your files. After you have recovered your files, you can unmount the File-Level Recovery Backup and detach the backup from within the Atlantic.Net Cloud Control Panel.

File Level Recovery is now available at Atlantic.Net’s hosting facilities in New York, London, San Francisco, Toronto, Dallas, Ashburn, and Orlando.

Get Started with File-Level Recovery

Ready to get started with File-Level Recovery? Log in to your Cloud Server and access backups in the Atlantic.Net Cloud control panel today to use the File-Level Recovery feature.