We are pleased to announce a one-click deployment of our HIPAA-compliant cloud services, a web hosting solution that meets and exceeds the required administrative, physical, and technical safeguards mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The new offering allows faster deployment with instant access to resources and quicker compliance in minutes, not days! Atlantic.Net’s HIPAA One-Click Cloud Hosting solution is now available through instant sign-up.

Our HIPAA Platform includes everything you need to be HIPAA compliant and more!

Plans start from only $148.99 per month which includes:

  • Cloud Server
  • Fully Managed Firewall
  • Daily Onsite Backup
  • Business Associate Agreement

Optional Managed Services

In addition to our basic HIPAA-compliant hosting, we also offer a full range of managed services to go above and beyond compliance requirements:

  • Server Management
  • Vulnerability Scans
  • Migration Service
  • Intrusion Prevention Service
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Off-Site Backup
  • TrendMicro Security Suite
  • Network Edge Protection
  • Load Balancing

New HIPAA Hosting One-Click Pricing Plans

The ongoing monthly cost greatly depends upon variables like security services, and server specifications. Here are a few standard HIPAA hosting pricing plans and packages:

These plans can be easily upgraded to fit power users as well – Atlantic.Net offers more robust resources that can play a vital role in the infrastructure needed to meet the growing demands of AI while maintaining compliance needs, such as those associated with HIPAA.

HIPAA-Compliant Hosting with a FREE Trial and $250 Credit!

Start your HIPAA HIPAA-compliant hosting trial today risk-free! Atlantic.Net meets and surpasses HIPAA compliance requirements for both physical security and security configuration, with built-in extensibility for additional software, services, and features. If you are not satisfied with our solution for any reason, you can cancel anytime within the first 30 days.

All new customers will receive a free $250 credit and a 30-day risk-free trial to test the service. For more information, please visit Our HIPAA hosting.