Atlantic.Net appreciates your business and wants to keep you updated on the latest Cloud Hosting news at Atlantic.Net.


We are pleased to announce some exciting developments:


Last Month – Recap:


  • We dramatically lowered the hourly/monthly cost of our industry-leading Virtual Private Servers by up to 43%.
  • We dropped the price on inbound bandwidth to zero (free!).
  • We reduced the price of outbound bandwidth to $0.11 per GB (Gigabyte) transferred.
  • On-Demand Additional IP addresses became available!
  • Various updated server images became available.
  • Atlantic.Net is a founding member of The Cloud Advisory Council!


Atlantic.Net is recognized as one of the Top 20 Cloud Service Providers!

The Cloud Directory has named Atlantic.Net as one of the Top 20 Cloud Service Providers worldwide. Check out our top 20 position on this month’s.

Community Service

We recently sponsored a number of grassroots technology initiatives including iSummit, PHP User Group, CodeCamp and BarCamp. Please visit our Community Involvement page to see if we supported your favorite organizations.

Is your organization looking for support? Email us at [email protected] to see how Atlantic.Net can help support your initiatives.


Atlantic.Net Selects Mellanox Infiniband Solutions

We are pleased to announce that we are utilizing Mellanox’s QDR 40Gb/s Infiniband solution to interconnect with our cloud platform. This announcement was made this week at the ISC Cloud’12 event in Mannheim, Germany. Read more about this announcement here at Mellanox.


We would love to hear from YOU!

We truly value your business and your opinions! Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve? Comments and feedback are always appreciated! We strive every day to keep improving our products and services. So, if you have any thoughts regarding something you’d like, improvements we can make, or just some general feedback, please let us know by emailing us at[email protected].

We would also greatly appreciate referrals, encouraging testimonials and your participation on our TwitterFacebook, Google+, and LinkedIn pages!

We have a number of new features in development that we will be announcing shortly. We want to thank you for your support, and we appreciate your business.

That’s all for this month’s newsletter and stay tuned as we roll out more features in the coming weeks.

Atlantic.Net Cloud Team

Atlantic.Net is offering a free trial credit of $15 to new customers who try our VPS Hosting platform. The free trial, including free setup with no contract or commitment, is available here.

This monthly newsletter updates you on the latest happenings of the Atlantic.Net Cloud,
you can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to [email protected].