Oracle Linux is now available on the Atlantic.Net Cloud Platform. This newly available distribution is designed for extremely high performance on a security-defined Linux platform. Oracle Linux is 100% RHEL-compatible and a genuine alternative to CentOS, which reached end-of-life (EOL) in December 2021. CentOS is no longer officially supported by its creators, meaning no further releases are forthcoming.

For power users who are already familiar with Red Hat, CentOS, and Rocky Linux, the transition to Oracle Linux will be a seamless experience. Oracle Linux has been available since 2006, and Oracle has used it directly to power their own cloud solutions.

Why Should I Choose Oracle Linux on ACP?

Oracle Linux is a completely free Linux distribution. There are no licensing requirements for Oracle Linux, a rarity for Oracle products. All Oracle Linux source code, binaries, updates, patches, and errata are free to the community. With Oracle Linux, you get a rock-solid production-ready environment with improved security, reduced downtime, and a simplified operations platform.

The Choice of Two Kernels

Oracle Linux offers the choice of two Linux Kernels:

  • RHCK (Red Hat Compatible Kernel)
  • UEK (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel)

Both are free and 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Rock-Solid Stability

The Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) variant is enterprise-focused, offering superior stability, scalability, and performance with native support for Oracle Database.  Since Oracle launched its distribution in 2006 there has not been one recorded bug relating to RHEL compatibility.

Patch with No Downtime

The Linux Kernel has always been great at on-the-fly patching. However, as the only operating system environment that offers kernel, hypervisor, and user-space live patching with no downtime required, Oracle Linux takes this a step further. It does this by applying patches using Oracle Ksplice.

The Perfect Solution for Oracle Databases

IT industry professionals generally associate the word “Oracle” with the Oracle database, a solution that is synonymous with the organization’s brand name. Oracle Linux provides a native platform for your business database. Remember, Oracle owns MySQL, so nonproprietary databases work amazingly well too.

Containerization Support

Containers have become an everyday staple requirement for DevOps-focused businesses. Docker and Kubernetes are natively supported in Oracle Linux. When you combine this with support for the optional Ksplice tool, downtime of your Docker and K8s farms is a thing of the past.

Oracle Linux is a very exciting product, and we are delighted to offer 64-bit editions of Oracle Linux 7.9 and Oracle Linux 8.5. It is available right now on the ACP Cloud as one of our many Cloud Server operating systems that launches in less than 30 seconds. You can also enjoy all the benefits of Oracle Linux if you are currently using CentOS – Oracle offers a simple and user-friendly migration application.

Are you looking for a leading hosting provider to host your Linux Operating System? Look no further than the Atlantic.Net VPS hosting service. Our full suite of managed services and always-available professional support team can host your mission-critical Linux workload.

Our Cloud Platform has many common operating systems and software solutions available as 1-Click applications, meaning you can spin up a fully configured server in about 30 seconds. Our platform is easy to use, flexible, and built around your needs.

For faster application deployment, free IT architecture design, and assessment, visit us at, call 888-618-DATA (3282), or email us at [email protected].

You can find out more information by contacting our sales team today!