The Rocky Linux operating system, seen by the developer community as the successor to CentOS, is now available for use in the Atlantic.Net Cloud.  Rocky Linux is an important release for many of our customers as CentOS has announced they will be cutting support for CentOS 8 much earlier than the original date of December 31, 2029, instead of planning end-of-life for a new date of December 31, 2021. CentOS will also be discontinuing future development of new CentOS versions that track RedHat upstream releases.

We are a strong believer in open-source solutions, and we always strive to support the community with free open-source software. Offering Rocky Linux in our Cloud will allow our customers to migrate their workloads from CentOS to a fully compatible operating system that will continue to be free and fully supported for the long term.

Rocky Linux 8.4 64-bit is available at all our data center locations in Orlando, New York, Ashburn, Toronto, San Francisco, Dallas, and London.

To view the latest cloud offerings and pricing, visit VPS hosting/.

To view tutorials on Rocky Linux, visit Our tutorials