Earlier today, a security vulnerability, CVE-2015-3456 (VENOM), was publicly announced. This vulnerability affects the widely used KVM/QEMU virtualization hypervisor platform that we use to power our SSD cloud hosting servers.

We are rolling out the necessary security patches to address this vulnerability to all applicable infrastructure. In order to ensure that the patches are effective at resolving the vulnerability, you may see a very brief interruption in service (a few seconds) while your Cloud Server is switched to run on the updated version of our infrastructure.

A very small percentage of Cloud Servers may require a reboot to complete this process. If this is necessary for one of your cloud hosting servers, you will be contacted by our support team so this can be done with as little inconvenience as possible.

We will keep you posted on progress.


UPDATE 05/14/15: Atlantic.Net has successfully mitigated the VENOM vulnerability in our USA-West-1 (San Francisco), USA-Central-1 (Dallas), USA-East-2 (New York) and Canada-East-1 (Toronto) Cloud locations.  USA-East-1 (Orlando) is almost complete, however, there is a small percentage of Cloud Servers that will need to be manually rebooted.  If you are one of the few affected, an email will be sent to you shortly with further instructions.

UPDATE 05/14/15: Atlantic.Net sent notification to the small percentage of cloud server hosting that needed to be manually rebooted in USA-East-1 (Orlando).  Those that were notified have until 11:59 pm ET on May 15, 2015 to power cycle their Cloud Servers per the instructions provided in the email. If they have not done so by the previously mentioned time, we will shutdown their Cloud Servers and power them back on.

UPDATE 05/16/15: Atlantic.Net has now successfully mitigated the VENOM vulnerability in USA-East-1 (Orlando), and as previously noted, all other Cloud locations.

You can read more about VENOM.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Support team.