Managing users and groups in Linux is essential. It helps keep your system organized and secure. The groupmod command is a powerful tool that allows you to modify existing groups.

This article will show you how to use groupmod with clear explanations and practical examples.

Basic Syntax of groupmod Command

Before diving into examples, let’s look at the basic syntax:

groupmod [options] GROUP


  • [options]: Specifies what you want to change.
  • GROUP: The name of the group you want to modify.

Now, let’s explore some common use cases.

Example 1: Changing a Group Name

Sometimes, you may need to rename a group. The -n option in groupmod allows you to do this.

groupmod -n new_group_name old_group_name


  • -n new_group_name: The new name you want to assign.
  • old_group_name: The current name of the group.

After running the command, the group old_group_name will be renamed to new_group_name.

Example 2: Changing a Group ID (GID)

Each group in Linux has a unique Group ID (GID). Sometimes, you might need to change this ID.

groupmod -g 1001 group_name


  • -g 1001: The new GID you want to assign.
  • group_name: The name of the group whose GID you want to change.

The group group_name now has a GID of 1001. Be cautious, changing the GID can affect file ownership.

Example 3: Adding or Removing Users from a Group

To modify the users in a group, you usually use the usermod command. But you can still make changes using groupmod.

Adding Users:

You add users to a group using gpasswd instead.

gpasswd -a username group_name


  • -a username: Adds the user to the group.
  • group_name: The group you want to modify.

Removing Users:

gpasswd -d username group_name


  • -d username: Removes the user from the group.

The user username will be added to or removed from the group_name group.

Example 4: Locking a Group

Locking a group can prevent changes to its membership. This is useful in some security setups.

groupmod -L group_name


  • -L: Locks the group.
  • group_name: The name of the group you want to lock.

The group group_name is now locked, preventing any changes.


The groupmod command is a valuable tool in Linux administration. It allows you to make essential changes to your groups quickly. By practicing the examples provided, you can gain confidence and ensure your Linux system remains well-organized. You can now easily modify group attributes on dedicated server hosting from Atlantic.Net!