In Bash scripting, handling user inputs is an essential task. Often, you need to gather multiple inputs and store them for further operations. Arrays are an efficient way to store such inputs.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to use the read command to capture user inputs and store them in a Bash array.

Introduction to Arrays in Bash

In Bash, an array is a variable that holds multiple values. Unlike regular variables, which store a single value, arrays allow you to store and manage lists of items, making them incredibly useful for many applications.

You can create a simple array like this:

my_array=("item1" "item2" "item3")

To access elements of the array, use the following syntax:

echo ${my_array[0]}   # Outputs: item1
echo ${my_array[1]}   # Outputs: item2

You can also iterate over the array:

for item in "${my_array[@]}"; do
  echo $item



Overview of the read Command

The read command in Bash is used to take user input. By default, it reads a single value into a variable.

Here’s a simple example of using read to capture input:

echo "Enter your name:"
read name
echo "Hello, $name!"


Enter your name:
Hello, John!

The read command can also be used to read multiple values into an array by using the -a option, which we’ll explore next.

Using read -a to Capture User Inputs Into an Array

To read multiple inputs and store them into an array, we use the read command with the -a flag. This flag tells Bash to store the input into an array instead of a single variable.

Here’s an example:

echo "Enter a list of items (separated by spaces):"
read -a items
echo "You entered: ${items[@]}"


Enter a list of items (separated by spaces):
apple banana orange
You entered: apple banana orange

The user’s input (apple banana orange) is stored in the items array, and we print the array using ${items[@]}.

Prompting the User for Multiple Inputs

You can prompt users to enter multiple values on a single line. Here’s how you can capture that input and store it in an array:

echo "Enter your favorite colors (separated by spaces):"
read -a colors
echo "Your favorite colors are:"

# Loop through the array and print each color
for color in "${colors[@]}"; do
  echo $color


Enter your favorite colors (separated by spaces):
red blue green
Your favorite colors are:

In this example, red, blue, and green are stored in the colors array, and we print each color using a loop.

Reading Multiple Inputs (Line by Line) Into an Array

Sometimes, you may want to collect inputs line by line and store them in an array. This can be done using a while loop.

echo "Enter items one by one (leave blank to finish):"
declare -a input_array
while true; do
  read item
  [[ -z "$item" ]] && break

echo "You entered: ${input_array[@]}"


Enter items one by one (leave blank to finish):

You entered: apple banana grape

This script reads user input one line simultaneously, appending each value to the input_array. The loop breaks when the user enters an empty line.

Practical Example: Collecting a List of User-Defined Items

Here’s a practical script example where the user can input items for a shopping list, and the script stores them in an array.

echo "Enter items for your shopping list (leave blank to finish):"
declare -a shopping_list
while true; do
  read item
  [[ -z "$item" ]] && break

echo "Your shopping list is:"
for item in "${shopping_list[@]}"; do
  echo $item


Enter items for your shopping list (leave blank to finish):

Your shopping list is:

This simple shopping list script collects user inputs line by line and displays them at the end.

Error Handling and Edge Cases

When reading inputs into arrays, there are a few potential issues:

1. Handling Whitespace: Be mindful of values with spaces. To handle multi-word inputs, use quotes around the value like so:

read -a input_array <<< "one two 'multi word input'"
echo "${input_array[@]}"


one two multi word input

2. Validating User Inputs: Always check for empty or invalid inputs before adding them to the array.

3. Escaping Special Characters: If the user’s input contains special characters (like &, |, etc.), make sure to escape or handle them accordingly.


Using the read command in Bash is a powerful way to capture user input, and with the -a option, you can easily store multiple inputs into an array. Whether you need to collect input in a single line or line by line, this method provides flexibility in handling user data in Bash scripts.

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