The Incredible Scope of WordPress

Popularity certainly isn’t the only factor when choosing a content management system (CMS), but a quick look at the statistics shows that WordPress certainly has that base covered. In 2011, WordPress was used on 14.7% of the top 1 million sites worldwide. At that time, there were about 500,000 WordPress posts each day. According to Technorati, 48 of the top 100 blogs were using WordPress, and it was translated into 40 languages. Still today, WordPress is a massive presence on the Internet.

Why Businesses & Developers Choose WordPress

What that basically means is that companies both large and small are trusting WordPress as one of the fundamental tools of their business. There are many reasons why developers and businesses tend to prefer WordPress, deploying it with a one-click application through Cloud Hosting service providers. Here are 15 of them:

The Price is Right

For any business, but especially for startups and bloggers, the fact that WordPress is 100% free is definitely helpful. You don’t have to be concerned that there might be hidden software fees if you get a spike in traffic.

Ready to Use Off-the-Shelf

WordPress is ready to go as soon as you install it, which is not the case with some of the other CMS options, explains John Rampton in Entrepreneur. “This means that you don’t have to hunt down, install, and configure a long list of add-ons just to get many of the features WordPress considers core (comments, RSS feeds, revisions, etc.),” he notes.

Choose Your Own Adventure

There are a couple of aspects related to the ability to customize when you deploy one-click application hosting of this flexible solution. First, WordPress is open source, which means that developers can go in and change the code to meet whatever specifics are needed for a business’s site. Second, you can easily and quickly add plug-ins to expand the features of your site – typically in less than 30 seconds. These two elements of flexibility mean that you can use WordPress for just about any purpose: blogging, selling products online, whatever.


The major search engines particularly like WordPress sites because it’s specifically designed for easy crawling, allowing Google and others to seamlessly feed your content into their algorithm, says Rampton. “In fact, Google’s Matt Cutts actually endorsed WordPress during WordCamp San Francisco 2009,” he says. “His personal blog is on WordPress.”


There’s a good case that Apple operating systems are more secure than Windows platforms in large part because there are so many more Windows devices. The downside of popularity is that your system becomes a bigger focus of hackers.

That’s true with WordPress, too, so you do see situations in which someone finds a vulnerability in the software, which is a threat to the security of your site. However, developers like WordPress because security is a primary concern of the open source community.

“While you can practice some basic security measures, such as not downloading a theme or plugin from an untrusted site,” says Rampton, “WordPress constantly updates its software to prevent attacks.” Updates are sent out to users automatically, and email notices are sent to remind users to perform the update, making it easier to stay abreast of all security patches.

You can further enhance your security with a cloud provider that has a long history in securing Web hosting networks.


Of course everyone wants their site to be of use to the search engines, but they also want people to be able to use the app without unneeded confusion. WordPress essentially has the user-friendly, intuitive feel of an everyday environment such as MS Word or Gmail. When you talk about speed with WordPress, you mean nearly instantaneous – especially if you use one-click WordPress hosting.You can deploy one-click WordPress hosting in 30 seconds.

Support When You Need It

The network of free support for WordPress is extensive, which means that developers can get answers to their questions quickly.  Primarily, that is because the WordPress community is essentially an interactive, open-source environment in which questions are considered and resolved through the WordPress Forums. People can reach out to their cloud hosting providers for support as well.

Multimedia Integration

If a developer really wants to be able to improve the quality of the business’s website, they want to make it more engaging with stunning quality photos, video, and PDFs (such as e-books, whitepapers, or any other documents).

“Thankfully, WordPress makes it easy for you to insert multimedia files into a page or post,” says Rampton. “Not only is it easy for you to upload multimedia files, you can also edit files, like images, while in the Media Library Screen.”

Immediate Access to Fast WordPress Hosting

People like the accessibility and user-friendliness of WordPress because it means that they can build the environment they like and achieve immediate productivity and efficiency.

Those are characteristics of Atlantic.Net as well. In business since 1994, we have the skills and expertise you need for fast and reliable one-click WordPress hosting.

Cloud hosting services are only one of our offerings – we also offer dedicated hosting, managed hosting, and HIPAA-compliant WordPress hosting.