If ever there was an industry sector that could benefit from migrating to a cloud-based infrastructure, it’s the Pharma and Life Sciences sector! Innovation and growth within Pharma and Life Sciences companies is strong, and these companies must turn to cloud computing solutions to power them through the vast changes taking place within the sector.

Cloud solutions minimize the technological worries of the past, such as slow response times, poor data security, and lack of accessibility, allowing companies to attend to the more pressing issues facing their industry, including rising costs and client expectations.

So, with this in mind, we will explore how companies within the Biotech, Pharma, and Life Science industry are leveraging the power of the cloud to drive innovation and streamline their day-to-day processes.

Cloud Migration

Cloud computing offers distinct advantages to companies operating within the Biotech, Pharma, and Life Sciences space. The on-demand access, cost reductions, increased data security, scalability, and improved collaboration offered by cloud-based solutions are unparalleled.

Cloud-based solutions enable companies to speed up the generation of informed data-driven decisions that can expedite the development of key deliverables, such as vaccines and novel drugs. The importance of these processes has become apparent over the last few years in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Drug and Vaccine Development Streamlined

The research required to identify and develop novel drugs and vaccines against emerging diseases is data intensive. The computing power required to collate and analyze such data is immense. Cloud-based high-performance computing solutions arm researchers with the tools to perform complex analyses and modeling of large data sets and to use AI, Machine Learning, and image and text recognition to identify key drug and vaccine targets.

Previously unimaginable tasks can now be performed quickly and easily as Pharma and Life Science businesses offload data-intense workloads into the cloud. As an example of cloud computing’s impact within this area, Pfizer’s successful and globally-distributed COVID-19 vaccine and anti-viral medication relied on AI algorithms for production at every stage, from design right through to manufacture and delivery. The scale of this operation required an abundance of always available cloud resources in a decentralized, distributed computer network.

Improved Collaboration and Accessibility

One of the major advantages of deploying cloud-based infrastructure is the ability to access information from anywhere in the world, at any time. Given that success within the Pharma and Life Sciences industry depends on collaboration with researchers all across the globe, this is a distinct advantage.

Access to a global marketplace drives collaboration between high-profile research institutions, increasing the speed and quality of research innovations. With cloud computing, time zones no longer become an issue, instead allowing geographically disparate colleagues to securely access and contribute to shared files in their own time.

Accelerate Sector Transformation

It is clear that transformation is occurring in the Pharma, Biotech, and Life Sciences industry at an alarming rate, fast-tracked in part by the current global pandemic. Digital transformation is an essential part of this evolution. The scalability and agility offered by the cloud ensure the continued innovation of companies within this industry and the ability to compete in a saturated market.

By allowing companies to process ever-increasing amounts of data at speed, cloud computing can streamline research processes, expediting access to actionable insights. Many companies now rely on cloud-based infrastructure to automate and standardize many of their daily research tasks.

Improved Patient Experience

As we make our way cautiously out of the coronavirus pandemic, Pharma, Biotech, and Life Science companies are seeking to provide a service that is patient-centric. As cloud solutions allow companies to process increasing amounts of data at speed, patient experience and outcome will inevitably improve. Digital technology and the development of personalized therapies are putting patients directly in the driving seat of their own health and well-being.

How Can Atlantic.Net Help?

Atlantic.Net has over 30 years of experience providing reliable customized hosting solutions to clients spanning many industries, including the Pharma, Biotech, and Life Sciences sectors. Our Pharma, Biotech, and Life Sciences hosting solutions can help to drive innovation and collaboration within your company.

While the uptake of cloud-based services is often hampered within this sector due to concerns over strict compliance regulations, with Atlantic.Net, this no longer becomes a concern as we ensure your infrastructure maintains strict compliance and security at all times. Our services are fully customizable, as we work to ensure that our terms can meet the requirements laid out by your legal team.

Contact our sales team today to learn more about how Atlantic.Net can deliver the powerful infrastructure required to place your company at the forefront of a research-intensive industry.