Rank Higher in Searches & Increase Conversions – Part 2- Comic


This article is the second in our three-part series to help you get better search rankings and increase engagement and sales through your site. Below are more of our 20 guidance tips for better SEO and conversion optimization on the Web.

#9. Fill people’s needs.

Don’t focus on the search terms you want people to use. Focus on their actual needs. Tools such as Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner can assist you in this process.

#10. Once you have them, engage them.

The writing on your site must be well-written. Of course, it provides a more professional impression if your site is free of typos and abides by usage rules (for grammar, punctuation, etc.). It also should have rhythm, tone, and flow – the subtle elements of language construction that make an article easy and enjoyable to read. Michael Fleming describes these components:

  • Rhythm, achieved by diversifying the length of your sentences and how they are structured, allows the writing to be similar to spoken language.
  • The tone is the piece’s emotional grounding, and it should fit the piece, allowing a reader to relate to your ideas.
  • Flow relates to the piece’s organization, characterized by a “steady progression of thought.”

You want your content to be world-class for four major reasons. First, it is representative of your brand. Second, you want it to be read, keeping the user on your site. Third, you want it to be shared, and people only do that if they think it’s excellent. Four, great writing enhances the general user experience.

Time is of supreme value to both you and to those who visit your site. Do not bring traffic to your site that will bounce: it will frustrate users and damage your SEO. The only way for you to keep people on your site and your users to enjoy your content is by making it as engaging and thoughtful as possible.

Also, specifically, ensure that the body of your content is a natural extension of the headline.

#11. Don’t forget the sales funnel.

Highlight your call to action, and provide a prominent sales pitch at the bottom of every main website page and blog post. Keep in mind how you want the user to respond to your article: you really want those who aren’t customers to become customers and those who are to consider your other services. As with the keywords you choose, don’t focus on what you want but on how you can benefit the reader.

Here is an example of a page on our site geared toward conversion.

#12. Support your content with retargeting.

No matter how much attention you pay to your content, not everyone will stay on your site and buy. Thankfully, your content is not the only tool at your disposal. Retargeting is a great way to get back traffic that would otherwise be lost. Be sure to use frequency capping so that you don’t “creep customers out” with overexposure. At the same time, though, be sure to test the limits. Omar Al-Hajjar of Indochino notes, “Every time we’ve increased [frequency], we’ve seen greater revenue and ROI.”

#13. Careful with titles, meta-tags, and meta-descriptions.

It would help if you used all the fields within your CMS (content management system) to their full potential. You want the page title, meta keywords, and meta-description to be filled out completely. However, you also want to be mindful of character limits, as advised by Search Engine Journal:

  • title – 70 characters
  • description – 160 characters
  • keywords – 10 key phrases.

Descriptions can be compelling. It would be best if you thought of the description as an ad to get people to click through to your site, says John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing. Search engines always provide a description. If you don’t fill in the meta-description yourself, Google and Bing will create their own automated descriptions. The description created by the search engine software will show a section of your content that contains the user’s search terms. It’s a much better idea to seize control and write the descriptions yourself. Atlantic.Net now offers one-click applications such as WordPress VPS hosting and others.

#14. Add Schema to your e-commerce site.

A major way to increase your sales through the SERPs (search engine result pages) is to utilize a tool created by Google available at Schema.org. As explained by OuterBox Solutions, you can access code on the site that will allow the search engines to automatically draw data from your site – related to your prices, reviews, and other aspects of your products – and populate the information in your search engine listing.

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Part 3 concludes this series. Here again, is Part 1 if you haven’t read it yet. If you’re looking for a strong hosting partner for your site, Atlantic.Net now offers SSD cloud hosting plans, which you can have online in under a minute, or PCI compliant hosting for eCommerce.

By Moazzam Adnan