Many of us have heard the purported advantages of moving business operations (including web hosting and computing power) to the cloud. But what does this really mean? And how does it immediately help your business?

Let’s start answering the questions by taking a quick overview of the definition of cloud and cloud hosting provided by Chandrus Writes!

A Brief History of Cloud Computing

From – 2 weeks ago

There are probably as many definitions of Cloud Computing as there are self-acclaimed Cloud Specialist. Most of those definitions include pay-per-use, instant availability,  scalability, hardware abstraction…

Juliana Payson‘s insight:

A concise summary would be, “Cloud Computing is a new way of delivering IT services: end users can deploy the services they need when they need them. Many of those services are available over the internet, and users are only charged for what they consume.” – I agree with Chandrus here; hardware abstraction is a little hard for people to really grasp.

Since you only pay for what you use, this must make more sense for businesses, especially start-ups who won’t make full use out of features until they reach a sort of break-even point with demand, which brings me to the next interesting article that goes to qualitatively prove that Cloud computing services are accelerating in growth surely not just due to their popularity. It seems to make sense that Cloud services have satisfied the need of businesses to the extent that even start-up businesses are not excluded from taking up the opportunity. The result: a wider market, which seeds the economy for new growth in online business.

Why Cloud Computing Is Accelerating in the Enterprise – Enterprise Irregulars

From – 2 days ago

Translating time into dollars matters far more to many CEOs I’ve spoken with versus what platform their applications are running on.
Juliana Payson‘s insight:

My interpretation of these findings is that cloud services such as cloud hosting; you’re paying only for your usage. This means not just that your business is more scalable, but the diverse costs of establishing a business are prorated down until you can saturate your level of demand. If enterprises can lower their bottom line subscription costs of web hosting via cloud services, it makes sense that one would see growth and accelerated profits in the cloud industry, as no one is excluded from business service opportunities

Although this seems like an indirect correlation to verifying the increased uptake of cloud services, I’ve found a few questions about the common concerns of businesses looking to transfer to cloud hosting. See if these questions and answers satisfy your decision to transfer to cloud hosting:

4 Questions To Ask When Choosing Cloud Providers | Business 2 Community

From – 2 weeks ago

Small businesses are often aware of the advantages offered by cloud computing services, such as low upfront costs, flexible access to software and inexpensive

Juliana Payson‘s insight:

Users comfortable with basic cloud computing concepts will often still have questions about security. The service provider should offer an overview of its data storage and security in addition to answering any questions about specific details, such as compliance with industry and governmental regulations. Not only are these the questions you should be considering, but I think you’ll find once you acknowledge them, you’ll know whether transferring to cloud hosting is the right choice for you or not.

Atlantic.Net offers managed, dedicated hosting, and PCI Compliant Hosting solutions – contact us today for a consultation.

by – Juliana