Docker volumes are a crucial feature for managing data in containerized applications. They provide a way to persist data generated by Docker containers, ensuring that data remains intact even after the container is deleted.

In this guide, we will explore how to create and manage Docker volumes with practical examples.

Types of Docker Volumes

  1. Named Volumes: Named volumes are explicitly created and can be referenced by a specific name. They are useful when you want to share data between multiple containers or need to persist data beyond the lifecycle of a single container.
  2. Anonymous Volumes: Anonymous volumes are created implicitly when a container is started and a volume is not specified. They are used when data persistence is needed, but the specific volume name is not important.
  3. Host Volumes: Host volumes are created by mounting a directory from the host system into the container. This allows for direct access to host files and directories from within the container.

Creating a Named Volume

To create a named volume, use the docker volume create command:

docker volume create my_named_volume

This command creates a volume named my_named_volume. You can verify its creation by listing all volumes:

docker volume ls


local     my_named_volume

Creating an Anonymous Volume

Anonymous volumes are automatically created when a container is started with a mount point, but no specific volume name is provided:

docker run -d --name my_container -v /data busybox

In this example, an anonymous volume is created and mounted to /data in the container.

Mounting a Named Volume

You can mount a named volume into a container using the -v flag:

docker run -d --name my_new_container -v my_named_volume:/app busybox

Here, the named volume my_named_volume is mounted to /app in the container.

Mounting a Host Volume

To mount a host directory as a volume, use the following syntax:

docker run -d --name my_host_container -v /mnt:/app busybox

This command mounts the host directory /mnt to /app in the container.

Inspecting Docker Volumes

To inspect the details of a Docker volume, use the docker volume inspect command:

docker volume inspect my_named_volume

This command provides information about the volume, including its mount point and usage details.

        "CreatedAt": "2024-07-25T09:41:19Z",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": null,
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my_named_volume/_data",
        "Name": "my_named_volume",
        "Options": null,
        "Scope": "local"

Removing Docker Volumes

Docker volumes can be removed using the docker volume rm command. Be cautious, as this action deletes the data stored in the volume.

To remove a named volume:

docker volume rm my_named_volume

To remove all volumes not currently in use by containers, use:

docker volume prune


WARNING! This will remove anonymous local volumes not used by at least one container.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Total reclaimed space: 0B


Docker volumes are a powerful tool for managing data in containerized environments. By understanding how to create and manage volumes, you can ensure data persistence, share data between containers, and manage application state effectively. Try to create and manage Docker volumes on VPS hosting from Atlantic.Net!