Verified and Tested 06/01/2021


VSFTPD (very secure file transfer protocol daemon) is a popular way to transfer files between your computer and a remote computer.

In this article, we will install vsftpd on an Ubuntu 20.04.


Root access to the server

Installing VSFTPD on Ubuntu Cloud Server

First, we will install vsftpd using the below command:

apt-get install vsftpd

Vsftpd is installed now, but we need to configure it in /etc/vsftpd.conf using your favorite text editor. I will use nano here.

nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

Once inside, you will need to change a couple of things. Below are the ones to change and why we will be changing them.


This will disable the ability for users to log in anonymously


Since we disabled anonymous logins, we need to enable user logins that use the local authentication files.


This will enable users to make changes to the filesystem.


This will restrict users to have access only to their home directories.

Save and close the file, then restart the VSFTPD service to apply the changes:

systemctl restart vsftpd

After this is done, you can save and close the file.

Adding FTP User

Next, we have to create an FTP user. I will use the user “atlantic” in this example, but you can use any username. To add a user, run the following command.

adduser atlantic

Enter a password for the user and fill the rest out if you would like. You can also press enter through the rest.

You must provide root ownership to the user’s home directory now.

chown root:root /home/atlantic

Next, for the user to upload files, we need to create a directory under their home directory.

mkdir /home/atlantic/folder

Then provide the user with this directory.

chown atlantic:atlantic /home/atlantic/folder

Now, this user is set up to log in and upload files to their folder directory.

To access your server via FTP over the web, type the following in your browser:
ftp://<server IP address>

You will now be prompted to input your username and password. All Done!

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