In a Dockerized environment, you are using multiple images and working with many containers. When you run a container from an image, it continues running that version because Docker images do not update automatically. You may need to update it manually. It is always recommended to run a container from the latest Docker image.
In this guide, we will show you hands-on examples of how to update a running container with zero downtime.
Step 1 – Install Docker CE and Docker Compose
First, install all required dependencies with the following command:
apt-get update -y apt-get install git apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
Next, add the Docker GPG key and repository with the following command:
curl -fsSL | apt-key add - add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable"
Once the repository has been added, install the Docker and Docker compose with the following command:
apt-get install docker-ce docker-compose -y
Once both packages are installed, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 2 – Create a Docker Compose File
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a docker network, volume, and a docker-compose.yml file to deploy a Ghost container.
First, create a network named net and volume named ghost using the following command:
docker network create net docker volume create ghost
Next, create a directory for the Ghost project with the following command:
mkdir Ghost
Next, change the directory to Ghost and create a docker-compose.yml file:
cd Ghost nano docker-compose.yml
Add the following lines:
version: '3.5' services: ghost: image: ghost:3.36 volumes: - ghost:/var/lib/ghost/content environment: - - url= - NODE_ENV=production restart: always networks: - net volumes: ghost: external: true networks: net: external: true
Save and close the file when you are finished.
The above file will download the Ghost image version 3.36 and create a Ghost container for domain
Step 3 – Create a Ghost Container
Now, change the directory to Ghost and launch the Ghost container using the following command:
docker-compose up -d
You should get the following output:
Pulling ghost (ghost:3.36)... 3.36: Pulling from library/ghost bb79b6b2107f: Pull complete 99ce436c3449: Pull complete f7bdc31da5f5: Pull complete 7a1300b9ff59: Pull complete a495c68fa838: Pull complete 6e362a39ec35: Pull complete b68b4f3c36f7: Pull complete 41f8b02d4a71: Pull complete 3ecc736ea4e5: Pull complete Digest: sha256:595c759980cd22e99037811397012908d89efb799776db222a4be6d4d892917c Status: Downloaded newer image for ghost:3.36 Creating ghost_ghost_1 ... done
You can check the Ghost image with the following command:
docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ghost 3.36 455ce1645479 4 months ago 440MB
You can also check the Ghost container with the following command:
docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d4b51b1aafc8 ghost:3.36 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 23 seconds ago Up 20 seconds 2368/tcp ghost_ghost_1
Step 4 – Update the Docker Compose File
In this section, we will update the Docker compose file and change the Ghost version from 3.36 to 3.37.1:
nano docker-compose.yml
Make the following changes:
version: '3.5' services: ghost: image: ghost:3.37.1 volumes: - ghost:/var/lib/ghost/content environment: - - url= - NODE_ENV=production restart: always networks: - net volumes: ghost: external: true networks: net: external: true
Save and close the file when you are finished.
Step 5 – Launch a New Ghost Container
Now, we will use the scaling method to create a new Ghost container without affecting the older Ghost container. You can do it with the following command:
cd Ghost docker-compose up -d --scale ghost=2 --no-recreate
You should get the following output:
Pulling ghost (ghost:3.37.1)... 3.37.1: Pulling from library/ghost bb79b6b2107f: Already exists 99ce436c3449: Already exists 7f4b5e228565: Pull complete de71eab7febf: Pull complete 29961d2eb573: Pull complete 923f84e249ab: Pull complete dfad6f73fc3d: Pull complete b16cf83b3022: Pull complete 387b2254843c: Pull complete Digest: sha256:fad0c2631cbba3d6c61da6fa5ef39da201780f2ae64ce51f3d5ebb412ca2564b Status: Downloaded newer image for ghost:3.37.1 Starting ghost_ghost_1 ... done Creating ghost_ghost_2 ... done
You can check the new Ghost image with the following command:
docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ghost 3.37.1 c64d108acdfe 3 months ago 439MB ghost 3.36 455ce1645479 4 months ago 440MB
You can also check the new Ghost container with the following command:
docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c21550f39440 ghost:3.37.1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 33 seconds ago Up 31 seconds 2368/tcp ghost_ghost_2 d4b51b1aafc8 ghost:3.36 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes 2368/tcp ghost_ghost_1
Step 6 – Scale the New Ghost Container
At this point, both Ghost containers are running using the same configuration. Now, we will stop and remove the old Ghost container.
docker container stop ghost_ghost_1 docker container rm ghost_ghost_1
Now, run the following command to scale down the configuration to its original setting:
cd Ghost docker-compose up -d --scale ghost=1 --no-recreate
You can also check the new Ghost container log for more information.
docker logs ghost_ghost_2
[2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Blog is in maintenance mode. [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Ghost is running in production... [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Your site is now available on [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Ghost boot 3.581s [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Creating database backup [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Database backup written to: /var/lib/ghost/content/data/ghost.ghost.2021-03-05-04-50-13.json [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Updating portal button setting to false [2021-03-05 04:50:13] INFO Blog is out of maintenance mode.
Your Ghost container is now updated with a new Ghost image.
In the above guide, you learned how to update the Docker container without any downtime. Get started with updating your Docker container on VPS hosting from Atlantic.Net!