Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I want to write an article on a certain topic, but how do I know that someone else isn’t already working on a very similar article?

A. First, verify that we haven’t already published an article covering same
topic on our community site or blog. If your search there doesn’t turn up any published articles, email us at [email protected] with your topic, and we’ll let you know if someone else might already be working on it. If not, we’ll give you exclusive rights for two weeks to complete the article. If it’s
not completed in that two-week period, we may open that topic up to any writer, so the sooner the better!


Q. Are there particular topics you would like covered?

A. We are always looking to expand the range of topics our community section covers. If you’d like some suggestions, let us know at [email protected], and we’ll send you a list of what topics we are looking for.


Q. I have an idea for an article, but I’m not sure if it’s a “How To” or a “What Is” article. How can I determine which section it should belong to?

A. Categorizing articles is an editorial decision, so you don’t
have to worry about making that determination yourself. We’ll take care of that! If you’re not sure how an article topic might fit, send us a pitch at [email protected], and we’ll evaluate it and see if we can give you a good starting point.


Q. What document format do you use?

A. We prefer files with as little extraneous formatting as possible, so plain old text, html, or .md files are sufficient. You can include them as an email attachment to [email protected], or provide us link to the file sharing service we can download it from.


Q. Do you offer a discount on server usage for writers to use as a testing platform for articles currently being written?

A. We do not currently offer a discount program for writers, but it is something we are considering in the future. If we do roll out this sort of program, we will let all of our writers know!


Q. Do articles need to be specifically relevant to the products and services that Atlantic.Net offers?

A. Not necessarily. While we do want to have a library of reference articles directly relevant to the services and platforms our customers are using, we are also tech nerds and welcome informative articles on a wide variety of technologies. We do draw the line, however, when it comes to topics which violate our Acceptable UsePolicy. So, for example, we’re not likely to publish an article on how to DDoS your grandmother (and seriously, why would you do that?).


Q. Can I write an article in a language other than English?

A. We are actively looking into the possibility and logistics of publishingtranslations of our articles into other languages. If this sort of program becomes something we will be opening up to our writers, we’ll let interested writers now!
