Write for Atlantic.Net

Atlantic.Net Seeks Writers for Technical Tutorials!

Atlantic.Net seeks self-motivated, technical writers with the ability to explain any of a variety of technical topics to technical people. We want the full gamut, from introductions to web server administration, to deploying multi-master SQL clusters; from basic programming to advanced application development; from network fundamentals, to highly available, load-balanced routing platforms; from Windows to Linux to FreeBSD.

Show us a sample of your technical writing skills. If you qualify to become an Altantic.Net Community writer, you could get paid for every article you write. For more information, please visit the Atlantic.Net Writers’Resource Page.

Personal Information
Address Details
Content Details
Terms of Services
Atlantic.Net, Inc. Warranty and Copyright Assignment

Thank you for your written contribution to Atlantic.Net. To publish your content on our website, Atlantic.Net, Inc. needs your assurance that the submitted work is entirely of your own creation and you acknowledge that Atlantic.Net, Inc. will own the content you submit and may share any part of the information on its website or on any other medium it so chooses.

Author Agreement

This Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by Atlantic.Net, Inc., ("Publisher") and the individual requesting to write articles for publication ("Writer"). In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

  1. The Written Submission is the original work and sole authorship of the Author.
  2. The Author hereby represents and warrants that he/she owns all right, title and interest to the Written Submission, including any copyright thereto.
  3. The Author hereby assigns, sells, and transfers, for consideration acknowledged, to Atlantic.Net, Inc. all of Author’s right, title, and interest in and to the Written Submission and the copyright thereto including without limitation (a) all renewals, reversions and extensions of such copyright; (b) the right to register the copyright if it is unregistered; and (c) the right to sue and collect damages for infringement of the copyright.
  4. The Author agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Atlantic.Net, Inc. and its agents, officers, directors and members from any and all claims made in regard to Atlantic.Net, Inc’s publication and use of the Written Submission.
  5. Author hereby agrees that he/she shall not reproduce, reprint, publish or otherwise display or circulate the Written Submission without the prior express written consent of Atlantic.Net, Inc.
  6. The Author agrees to execute any additional documents which may be necessary to transfer and/or record this assignment in the name of Atlantic.Net, Inc.
  7. Atlantic.Net, Inc. reserves the right to edit the Written Submission for grammar, brevity and style.
  8. The Author understands that the work may be posted not only on the Atlantic.Net, Inc. web site, but also other third-party web sites that have an agreement to republish the content. Atlantic.Net, Inc. also retains the right to reprint the Written Submission in any future published material.
  9. The content may or may not be published by Author’s name. If it is not, Atlantic.Net, Inc. reserves the right to use any name of their liking to be used as an author.

Services - Writer agrees to submit, on his or her sole initiative, written articles to Publisher on subjects determined by Publisher's Content Manager. The manner and method of producing these Articles is solely at the discretion of Writer; Publisher has no right of control over Writer's manner or method of performance under this agreement. Writer will submit Articles in accordance with the schedule of copy deadlines being used by the Content Manager. Such services are hereinafter referred to as "Services."

Payment for Services: Charges - As full compensation for the Services to be provided by Writer, Publisher agrees to pay Writer an amount to be determined for Articles provided by Publisher. Writer acknowledges and agrees that Publisher will only pay writer for Articles that are published, and Publisher has the sole and exclusive authority to determine whether or not to publish any and all Articles submitted by Writer. However, there are no payments to be made to any authors for cross-blog promotions between the Publisher and other Publishers for mutual benefit of both organizations.

Payment Schedule - Upon completion and acceptance of an article, Publisher will furnish payment to Writer by the 20th of the following month for articles accepted prior to the last day of the month. Payment amounts are determined solely at Publisher's Content Manager's discretion. Payment will be accepted via a credit for services, by check or through PayPal.

Independent Writer - Writer will perform the Services as an independent Writer. Writer will not be deemed to be an employee of Publisher. Writer will not be entitled to any employee benefits, and Publisher will make no deductions from any of the payments due to Writer hereunder for state or federal tax purposes. Writer will be personally responsible for any and all taxes and other payments due on payments received hereunder.

Original Development - Writer warrants that all submitted writings will be original works of authorship of Writer and will not infringe upon or violate any intellectual property right of any third party, that the article has not been previously published in any manner or medium, specifically including, but not limited to, electronic means or print.

Confidentiality - This Agreement creates a confidential relationship between Publisher and Writer. Information concerning Publisher's and/or Writer's business affairs, vendors, finances, properties, methods of operation, computer programs, employees, documentation, and other such information whether written, oral, or otherwise, is confidential in nature. Publisher and Writer, and employees of both will adhere fully to this confidentiality agreement.

Rights to Articles - The above fee licenses full rights to Publisher. Writer agrees the articles shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Publisher. The articles may be edited in any form at the Publisher's discretion.

Other Agreements - Writer may work on similar projects (including articles on the same topics as Articles submitted to Publisher) for other parties, provided that Writer will not reprint, republish, or permit any third party to reprint or republish any articles submitted to Publisher.

Termination - This Agreement will continue until terminated by either party by written notice or until completion of Services, whichever occurs first.

Governing Law: Jurisdiction - This contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without regard to any principles of choice or conflicts of law.

Entire Agreement - This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties with regard to the matters set forth herein, and it supersedes all other agreements, proposals, and representations, oral or written, express or implied, with regard thereto.

Atlantic.Net, Inc